Private Kitchen & Nutrition

β€œLet thy food be thy medicine, and thy medicine be thy food.”

- Hippocrates

Food can be so much more than just physical sustenance. Our emotions, hormones, lifestyle, confidence and mood can all impact the way we eat. And it is a circular relationship - with our food choices affecting how we sleep, how we feel and how we live. 
Sadly, thanks to all the confusing - and often ill-advised - diet trends and the hyper-availability of processed food that is unhealthy and inexpensive, combined with our hectic schedules, very few women have the energy, time and discipline to do the full research, meal preparation and stay committed to making healthy choices when it comes to eating.

Private Kitchen & In-house Chef

We are proud to offer the services of a dedicated on-site private kitchen where breakfast and lunch are freshly prepared, five days a week, for your nourishment and enjoyment.

The club menu features gastronomy-inspired, meticulously refined recipes that have been analysed by our accredited dietician partner Jaclyn Reutens to guarantee the optimal nutritional balance and calorie-count for healthy living and weight management. Our dishes not only prioritise wellness but are also designed to be both delicious and satisfying.

Nutrition Consultations & Workshops

Unlock your best health with expert nutritional guidance. One-on-one sessions with an experienced practitioner will give you a tailored approach that focuses on empowering you to make informed choices, and the creation of a personalised nutrition programme for your unique needs.

We also offer nutrition talks and cooking workshops, to help you establish healthy eating habits and understand the important role that food plays in your health, mood and energy. From meal planning to understanding food labels, we're here to give you the tools you need to empower you to lead a balanced and nourishing lifestyle.